Frugal Friday | Cooking
Waste not want not I was reading how many billions of pounds people waste by throwing away food. The meal in the picture was made from left over boiled potato fried to golden brown and I added some...
View ArticleThrifty Thursday 15
I like chicken and chips, but sometimes I like fish for a change. It is a little expensive, but after having a lot of frugal meals like egg and chips I can have what I want! The meal in the photograph...
View ArticleFrugal Friday | Extremely frugal
In the pan this week we have left over boiled potato, fried golden brown. I had this the other day with fried chicken livers and veggies. I also like it with bacon and egg and lashings of tomato...
View ArticleFeeding a family on a budget
I read an article some time ago about feeding a family of four on 60 pounds a week. I thought, I can do better than that! The eggs, chips and peas in the picture cost about 50p to cook. If every meal...
View ArticlePotatoes – frugal super-food
Potatoes are an important food and a staple food in many people’s diets. In the 1840’s crops around Europe were affected by potato blight leading to around a million people dying from starvation in...
View ArticleHunting for thrifty bargains
The Aldi super-six this week are carrots (1Kg), sweetheart cabbage, new potatoes (750g), parsnips (500g), cucumber and mild onions (3) all at 39p. I nearly had some of those, but decided on a stew...
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